Women's Testimonies
Jesus reached down and opened my heart that has carried pain from a broken childhood, that I hadn't realized that I had any different from anyone else. The grace for me not carrying the disease that took my two brothers and sisters at a very young age. I have guilt that I was not included and am concerned about my other brothers and sisters. Thank you, Jesus for comforting me. - Louise
He has opened my eyes to the freedom that I am already living in, and to see the beauty from ashes. I am loved. I am free. I am free indeed! Now God, I am here to be your servant - please use me to glorify and honor you, and to enhance your Kingdom to set the captives FREE!! He has started a fire in me! YAY! - Tina
Jesus freed me of the burdens of perfectionism and its cousin unworthiness. I saw - literally saw - the "photos" of 5 specific traumas that I had attached faulty emotions to. Those traumas had broken me to the point of suffocation, and I feared not having enough oxygen. Jesus showed me clearly that it was not these events that broke me - it was my separation from Jesus that fractured me. A couple of years ago, God revealed to me that He works through the generations, and that family lineage matters to Him. This Life Relaunch first showed me that I have work to do with my children and grandchildren. But first, He showed me a heart wound that needed to be healed from a previous relationship. I am now free of that burden and am confident and equipped now to minister to the generations that follow me, so that they will prosper in the Lord. I am free of so many burdens! - Carla
Life Relaunch was life changing. I was set free from heart wounds that I didn’t even know I had. I realized that God’s purpose and calling for my life is to help other women see their true identity in Christ and to set the captives free in Jesus’ name. – Marcie
I was struggling with a lot when I came here. Through the teaching, music, videos, and one-on-ones, it was revealed and confirmed what the major struggles were. I am more open and willing to trust Him (which is actually a BIG thing!). ~ Brenda
God taught me it’s all about Him and trusting in Him 100% is vital. I will live by His will alone, not on my own. I will put on His full armor to fight the evil one. His Holy Spirit lives in e and will help me bring other souls to Jesus. I know He has a greater plan for me, more than I can imagine. He’s already working full force in my life and my family’s. I’m so incredibly grateful for His gift of salvation to me and for all of the loving people He’s placed in my life over the past two months. I surrender my whole life to you, Jesus forever. ~ Chris
I feel lighter, calming freeness not felt in a long while. Looking forward to seeing and living life through what this experience has given me. I feel I am more protected from the enemy than ever before and will continue to pray that my heart grows as the tears flow during my time with Jesus and God as I dig into the Word. I would recommend this to any woman, as you never know what’s buried that needs to be uncovered to set you free! ~ Carleen
He taught me I had demons that I didn’t know about. He taught me we all have demons. He restored me by opening my heart and facing my hidden secrets and casting them out. The Holy Spirit is always with me, and I won’t face anything in my life alone. I knew this already but have been refreshed to walk a better path. (I really like that we are shredding our Restoration Guide – our demons are GONE!) ~ June
Placing Jesus visually in each of my traumatic experiences has been so healing. My peace of being stagnant has been removed and I know once again I am called to be a warrior to pray and move in Kingdom advancement power. I believe God will continue to guide me and teach me and lead me on the path He has designed for me! ~ Pam
I guess I needed to re-realize that Jesus is truly my Savior, and all real power comes through Him. I have (again) let the world tell me who I am – not Whose I am. I am truly grateful for the way this was presented so, even if I was free before, now I know that I’m free and I’m God’s servant. John 8:32 ~ Carole
Rebuilt my spirituality. Made my prayers more assertive to pray for the body of Christ and others. Please pray for my heart. ~ Carol
He brought me out of places I was stuck: Fear, anxiety, worry, insecurity, rejection, abandonment, feeling “not enough”
and set me free! Put my feet on the rock! New beginnings!
~ Undisclosed
Upcoming events
- Mon, Feb 173600 Ellis Ave SFeb 17, 2025, 9:00 AM – Feb 18, 2025, 9:00 AM3600 Ellis Ave S, 3600 Ellis Ave S, Ashland, WI 54806, USA
- Sun, Mar 163600 Ellis Ave SMar 16, 2025, 9:00 AM – Mar 17, 2025, 9:00 AM3600 Ellis Ave S, 3600 Ellis Ave S, Ashland, WI 54806, USA
- Sun, Apr 203600 Ellis Ave SApr 20, 2025, 9:00 AM – Apr 21, 2025, 9:00 AM3600 Ellis Ave S, 3600 Ellis Ave S, Ashland, WI 54806, USA