2023 | February 18/19
This has been a life-changing, heart-touching experience. I didn’t know what to expect when I came but what I got is freedom in Jesus’ blood that was shed for me. Chains of shame and feelings of unworthiness were broken and will not bind me again. I never knew the hidden pain I discovered through the Holy Spirit was hindering me from accepting all the love the Father had to give me. Thank you to Carla for her love and care as she guided me through prayer and words of God’s wisdom. All the facilitators were honest in their walk and their sharing. ~Nancy
Made me much more aware of the lies I have been accepting as truth into my life. I feel like the restoration has only begun! ~Sarah
Through the amazing speakers and facilitators, God was able to reveal to me spaces that I had no clue I had wounds. By praying for me the woman I was paired with helped me to begin the work of healing church hurts and subsequent consequences of needing to leave professional ministry. For the first time in 2 years, I was able to freely and vulnerably share and worship and feel the Holy Spirit! ~Nicole
God showed me He loves me. He will take care of me. He will never leave me or forsake me. He always has been and always will be with me. Not only do I get to go to Heaven, He has set me free from everything that was renounced this weekend. ~Anne Marie
It is not the first time, but I do feel lighter! I love it! I have been given some lovely tools to dig deeper into this experience. So exciting! I also have gotten great advice for marriage. It was just a nice 2 days to relax and draw near to Him! Definitely a Life Relaunch! ~Kristie
https://www.crossroadsoutreach.org/about-3 If you would like to join us for the next Life Relaunch there are events for both Men & Women.