John 16:33b the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world.
Maybe someone out there is discouraged today. Maybe that's you. Maybe you feel in this moment that life is happening to you instead of for you. Maybe you're discouraged and it seems as though God is nowhere around and has left you by yourself to your own efforts and thoughts. Maybe the tribulations are sooooo huge that you want to run, you want to or are tempted to abandon all responsibilities and commitments. Maybe your heart is so broken and damaged that all you can think of is filling the void with another person or relationship or substance or numbing alternative. Maybe that's where you find yourself this morning and because all these thoughts and feelings are present you are now beating yourself up as you know what you should think and feel and you do believe in Jesus but it feels like He's a long way away. Let me tell you and identify with you. You're not crazy!! You're 100% normal unless I'm crazy too!! Haha!!! I've been right there not so long ago and some days I still battle these strong emotions in my day even now. That's where our enemy wants to keep you and me if we will allow him to.
Jesus says right here in His word that these things are going to happen in this life. Sometimes consequentially and sometimes through just living and breathing on this sin soaked earth.
But one thing I know and have experienced in my walk in the darkest of times. Jesus cares and He is there!! Don't give up!! Hold onto Him when you in your flesh are so tempted to let go and go your own way. Move slow and trust hard and long in the Savior!! His way is not ours and His timing is definitely not mine or yours. But He is there and He is 100% faithful in whatever tribulation that you and I find ourselves in!!!
Even as I write this I am contemplating my own walk in this life currently. I am trusting Jesus in some areas that He seems silent in and opinions of my most trusted people vary widely. I get no answers and it seems as though it's another trial of faith and discernment. Somehow in it all He is doing something for me and I trust that 100%. He has been and will be faithful again!!!
If you're discouraged and disappointed this morning surrender in your brokenness. He will meet us in the brokenness for sure if we seek Him in it.
He is there and He wants to reveal Himself and show Himself strong on our behalf if our hearts are right before Him. Be encouraged this morning!! Be of good cheer He has overcome the world!!!
He loves you!!
And so do I!!
I found this very encouraging and helpful. The statement about God meeting us in our brokenness "if we seek Him" was a great reminder. I have recently become stronger in my faith and more obedient in reading and applying His word, but don't yet have a strong prayer life, and often forget to ask God for help in so many situations. Thank you!